Artists and Art Criticism



Filmography for Ayn Rand Here you will find a great deal of information on the films of Ayn Rand, and even have a chance to rate them.

Quent Cordair, Fine Art Quent Cordair is a very talented professional painter and writer of the Romantic Realist School who has just recently opened his own gallery in Burlingame, California. It features a number of widely acclaimed artists. Recently, he modified his website so as to include some of the artists whose work may be found at his gallery, including: the painters Carol Rosemond (who "...does sea scapes, florals, and figuratives"), and Linda Mann (who paints still lifes, and is beginning to work on the human figure). His website will soon include sculptors Sandra Shaw (who sculpts the human form in bronze) and Bill Mack (who creates reliefs), whose work may also be found at Mr. Cordair's gallery in California.

Linda Mann Art Gallery Home Page Recently, Linda Mann was doing only still-lives, but she is now beginning to work on the human figure. Her work is reminiscent of Vermeer. Her use of light, ability to represent textures, etc., or in a single word-- "talent," is incredible. She has been strongly influenced by both Dutch and Spanish painters of the nineteenth century. A must see.

ART: American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century, Inc. A beautiful quarterly published, by Alexandra York, devoted to Romantic Realism.

Frederick Clifford Gibson, Architect has put together a stunning website, surpassed only by his architecture. He names Frank Lloyd Wright and Ayn Rand as the two individuals to whom he is most indebted. Clearly a Romantic Realist, and clearly an egoist. He is presently building Patricia LeChevalier's house. ( Patricia was the publisher of the Atlantean Press Review, a periodical which was devoted to Romantic Realism.)


The Heart of a Pagan, a novel by Dr. Andrew Bernstein, is now finished. Judging from the first few chapters (published in the Atlantean Press Review), it will be absolutely wonderful. However, at present, its publication has been delayed.

Ed Cline has written and published several very good novels in the Romantic Realist tradition.

Art Criticism:

Brian Yoder's Art Gallery and Critic's Corner Here you will find a wealth of information, examples, and criticism.

[Links Index on Objectivism]

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©1996 by Timothy D. Chase. All rights reserved.

I am not endorsed by the individuals or organizations listed. Nor should the fact that I am including them be regarded as evidence that any of them have received my unqualified endorsement. What I endorse-- unreservedly-- is the active mind which judges things for itself.